Saturday, October 1, 2011

Appt. Week and Crawling

We spent last week making up appointments we had missed back when Shelby was having her shunt replaced. On Monday we went to the orthopedist to check on her hip dysplasia. There was no change in the angles measurements of her hips from her last xrays in May. Our plan is to stay the course. Shelby will still wear the rhino cruiser brace at night. Dr. Hooker is hoping that when Shelby is up and walking and doing more weight bearing, that the mild dysplasia will correct itself. If not, then surgery will be considered. Honestly, Shelby's hips are the least of our worries at this point in time, so we're fine with the current plan.

We went to see Dr. Bachinsky (ophthalmologist) on Thursday. Shelby did great on her test with the orthoptist and her vision was measured at 20/180. It was neat to see the difference in her cognitive ability this time around. Sally would say, "Can you point to the stripes on the card?", and Shelby would! It made me feel like the test was a bit more accurate, althought Sally and Dr. Bachinsky said that Shelby's vision could be better than she tested. I had been worried that there was further damage done to the optic nerve because of the shunt malfunction. Dr. Bachinsky got a good look at it, and thank God that was not the case! Finally, Dr. Bachinsky gave us a prescription for glasses to fill if we want to. Shelby is far sighted, so they could possibly help her see better. We'll probably try them out, because we want to help her vision as much as we can, but honestly, I don't think she'll keep them on her head.

One more thing, Shelby has started crawling! A week and a half ago, Trip looked over and the little stinker was crawling upright on her arms like it was nothing at all. We couldn't believe it. Anyway, she has been doing that more and more and we are tickled to death. The weight bearing (especially on her left hand/arm) is so good for her! We are trying to get some issues straightened out with our insurance company so that we can increase Shelby's OT and PT and begin another round of constraint therapy soon.

Open House at Shelby's school Thursday night.


  1. This is fantastic news!! What a great update! I love the picture of you all, too :)

    Love to you guys!

  2. Great news!

    And about the glasses... In my experience, the less Oia saw on her face, the more likely she was to keep her glasses on. This meaning the rimless kind like she has now. plus, they are light as a feather which makes them comfy to wear and you would be surprised how durable they are. (she has had these same frames since she was 4mo.) Just a suggestion, you will find what will work for you guys.... They are Sillouette frames if you would like to find a dealer and have
    sweet Shelby sample a pair. Can't wait to see her in glasses! She will ROCK
    whatever you find!
