Monday, July 26, 2010

our amazing army-crawling baby!

Yes, that's right.....Shelby Frances is army crawling at 14 and a half months old. She started doing it about a foot at a time last week, but has quickly become stronger and faster and can now move across the room. This is a HUGE milestone for her, especially considering her visual impairment and weaker left side. I am in absolute awe of this amazing child and still tear up watching her go!


  1. YAY Shelby! She is awesome, so fun to watch her reach the star. I was cheering her on while I was watching. Very exciting!!

  2. It's a little emotional for me to watch your sweetie go, and in a postive way. I have many videos like this of Oia as she was learning to commando crawl and the joy and admiration for such a met milestone is indescribable. You get what I mean, no need to say more.

  3. Way to go Shelby! It so amzaing to watch those little one get moving. Norah's getting very close to crawling as well. I say let those joyful tears come.

  4. Seems like such a long way to go from just 2 weeks ago...she's certainly miracle baby! Love y'all!
