We went to my Aunt Dearing's Memorial Daze campout over Memorial Day weekend and had the best time. The Gillilands came with us and our children entertained themselves for the most part, allowing the adults to have fun and relax as well. We were also able to check out Stephen and Cambridge's tailgate market in Richmond while we were there, which blew us away. The farmers tailgate markets in Asheville are tiny compared to Richmond's South of the James market. If you are in Richmond on a Saturday, check out the Common Ground booth and say hello to my brother. :) We also were able to extend the long weekend and go to the Chesapeake Bay for one night.
Harding and Derek specialized in waking everyone up at 7 a.m.
Shelby and Aubrey being their usual cute selves.
Stephen being a salesman:We had a hard time pulling the kids away from this booth at the market.
Dr. Grant attempts to get Shelby to smile for their picture: Shelby has pretty much been sick the entire month of June. There was a terrifying 5 day period during the first half of the month when she did not eat a thing and drank very little--this was very perplexing to the speech therapist we see for feeding and scared Trip and me to death. I finally called Dr. Love (our wonderful pediatrician who I can't say enough good things about), and he said, "Bring her in, I bet she has hand foot and mouth virus". Sure enough, when he shined the light in her mouth, there were sores in the back which had probably been causing Shelby a whole lot of pain. I have never been so glad for my daughter to be sick. Since then, Shelby has been reinfected with H/F/M and also gotten a cold. She is on the mend right now, and I hope it sticks for awhile. Luckily, Harding has managed to stay healthy.
The kids and I took a road trip with my parents to Zanesville, Ohio for my friend Kelly's beautiful wedding at Dillon State Park. The drive through TN, WV, and southern Ohio was exceptionally beautiful--especially the WV turnpike. We stayed at a cabin at the state park and had a great time catching up with the Anderson family over the course of the weekend. At the wedding reception, Harding became obsessed with dancing with the bride and stalked Kelly all over the room. Luckily, she was willing to humor him several times. At one point, Harding actually cut in when Kelly was dancing with another kid.
Dad tries to distract Harding into behaving at the rehearsal dinner:
Here are a couple more photos:
Harding at the Asheville splash park "Splasheville" Chris helping Harding hold his sweet cousin Riley:
Great catch up blog, T! We have been so lucky to have had the opportunity to see you guys several times over the last 2 months. Lots of love! C